MM Honey 2020
- In stock, ready to ship
Product: .Jpeg Hair Texture (3 versions) + BBH Swatch (The MissMaya 2020 collection)
For Mesh: Any hair mesh on IMVU
Author: MissMaya
Includes: This product contains x3 256px*256px hair texture.
Two with parts and one without.
End product display will vary from mesh to mesh.
These textures are for use on you derives of hair meshes on IMVU. Results may vary depending on the mesh that you derive.
Products in display picture
BBH mesh used: TSHD_2
Opacity Used: Zenia BBH Opacity
By purchasing you agree to both our terms of service and the following license.
· Do Not use these items on other platforms that are not your licensed IMVU catalog.
· Do Not set our products to derivable.
· Do Not make NFT's using Virtualslay products nor include them in your NTF-able products.
· License automatically granted to the avatar holder of the Virtualslay profile that is logged in at the time of purchase.
· Click here to see what account you are purchasing for. You cannot change the account once the product is purchased.
· If you wish to use in another catalog ID, please make a new virtualslay
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· Do not purchase for multiple accounts using the same customer profile, you will simply be buying twice for the same catalog.
· You may edit textures to suit your needs.
· Editing does not give you any additional copyrights regarding our products. All our rights remain reserved.
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